Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thyme - Thym - Thymus (EN)

English - Français

Thyme is a plant used since ancient times. The Greeks were burning thyme as incense before the temples, as it signified a source of courage. It was the belief that the usage of thyme in Europe was spread by the Romans who used it to provide cheese and liqueurs with a unique aromatic flavour. It was also used for therapeutic purposes since the sixteenth century in fights against infections.

Thyme is now mainly grown in Provence, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Used fresh or dried, it is a staple in French cuisine as it is one of the three components of the bouquet garni together with bay leaves and parsley.

Thyme is believed to be beneficial for treating cough and bringing down inflammation of the throat by gargling cooled boiled water with thyme 3 times a day.

How do we use thyme in our cooking?

- Flavouring of stew, such as veal stew, the most classical French cuisine

- Flavouring of meat, such as beef, lamb, poultry and fish

- Flavouring of vegetables, such as carrots and braised chicory

- Infusing thyme in hot water with honey to subside cough

- Thyme is also one of the few Mediterranean herbs that can be used for some desserts, such as flavouring caramel panna cotta.

For more recipes and instructions, check out Our Recipes.

Bon appétit !

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